
Disaster Strikes – Now What?

Disaster Strikes

Disasters come in many forms and have consequences beyond initial impact. From tornadoes and floods that impact entire communities to fires that destroy a single home, the impact can remain for years to come. Over the last 10 years, all 88 counties in Ohio have been affected by disasters, including severe storms, flooding and tornadoes. Rebuilding and recovering from a disaster can be extremely expensive. It's estimated that Ohio homeowners spent nearly $437 million in disaster repairs from 2013-2015.

When disaster strikes, communities risk losing more than physical structures. Renters leaving the area means a community runs the risk of having a reduced Census count, meaning loss of funding. Low-income individuals are often most vulnerable to disasters, with little-to-no financial safety net.

While disasters are often unavoidable, there are steps you can take to prepare and reduce risk. This episode discusses hazards that can be removed to avoid or minimize damage and resources that can help a community on its way to recovery.

In the latest episode of the Doorsteps Podcast, Dr. Cody Price is joined by Tim Bete of St. Mary Development Corporation, a faith-based nonprofit with more than 65 affordable housing developments in nine states. The nonprofit focuses on social determinants of health, like access to health care, transportation and grocery stores, all things that impact one's health but are out of their control. Through this approach, St. Mary's has been supporting their senior residents in avoiding personal disasters and living independently as long as possible.

For more from the Office of Research and Analytics, visit our website and follow us on Twitter @ohiodoorsteps.

*Episode was recorded November 2019.

The views and opinions expressed in Doorsteps are those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily reflect those of the Ohio Housing Finance Agency.