The Ohio Housing Finance Agency

About OHFA

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) facilitates the development, rehabilitation and financing of housing for low- to moderate-income individuals. The Agency is accountable to both the executive and legislative branches of Ohio government.

The Agency plays a role in three essential parts of Ohio's affordable housing industry including:


Development – OHFA provides financing for the development and rehabilitation of affordable rental housing by administering a variety of federal and state housing programs including the Housing Tax Credit (HTC) program.


Homeownership – OHFA provides a variety of fixed-rate mortgage loan options for Ohio homebuyers. OHFA is not a direct mortgage lender but purchases qualified mortgages originated through its private-sector lending partners. To administer its homebuyer programs, OHFA partners with mortgage lenders including banks, mortgage companies and credit unions in more than 600 locations across the state.


Program Compliance – The Agency assists affordable housing property managers to ensure the maintenance of healthy, safe environments in all OHFA-assisted developments.

OHFA's Mission

We Open the Doors to an Affordable Place to Call Home.


We envision an Ohio where everyone has a safe, decent, and affordable place to call home.


OHFA commits to delivering its programs with a high standard of excellence to continually meet the public need for affordable housing. Our mission statement, We Open the Doors to an Affordable Place to Call Home, provides focus for the daily work of the Agency. OHFA has emerged as a respected leader in affordable housing through consistent demonstration of integrity, partnership and performance.

The Agency

Formerly a division of the Ohio Department of Development, OHFA became an independent state agency on July 1, 2005 through Amended Substitute House Bill (HB) 431.

Governed by an 11-member Board consisting of the Director of the Ohio Department of Commerce (or designee), the Director of the Ohio Development Services Agency (or designee) and nine public members appointed by the governor.


Since 1983, OHFA has provided affordable mortgage loans or mortgage tax credits to more than 163,000 Ohioans.

Homebuyers Using OHFA's Home Loan Programs in FY2024


Median Age


Median Income





There were 4,497 OHFA borrowers in FY 2024.

Partners with realty boards, lenders and title companies to host continuing education courses for realtors across the state.

Multifamily Development

Since 1986, the Agency has funded the creation and preservation of affordable rental housing, including more than 116,000 program units in over 1,700 currently active properties.

As of December 31, 2023, OHFA counts 182,150 residents living in 103,844 affordable rental units*.
*LIHTC only

Profile of Renters in Ohio for Fiscal Year 2024


Median Renter Age


Renters Under 18


Median Rent Paid


Median Household Income


Program Compliance

• OHFA monitors more than 1,600 multifamily properties around the state through its Compliance Program
• Conducts regular reviews at least every three years of properties funded by the Housing Credits program, HDAP and Multifamily Bond program.