Environmental Site Assessment & Review

  • Environmental Site Assessment and Review

Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessments

Applications must include a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for all sites dated no later than six months prior to the Proposal Application deadline completed in accordance with the most current ASTM Standard and include an acknowledgement of the likelihood of the following non-scope considerations: Mold; Asbestos-containing building materials; Radon; Lead-based paint; Lead in drinking water; and Wetlands. Applicants may submit a Phase I ESA dated between six months and one year prior to the application deadline but must submit an update at final application.

Owners must complete a Phase II ESA and/or additional testing if recommended in the Phase I ESA and submit the Phase II ESA at final application.

OHFA may reject any sites indicated to have environmental problems or hazards.

Environmental Reviews

All projects receiving funding through OHTF, NHTF, 811, CDBG-DR, FHA Risk Share (via MLP), HOME-ARP or HOME must go through an environmental review process once awarded and before construction may commence.

Projects will be assigned to a contractor following the award announcement. Depending on the funding source and ER requirements from ER assignment to completed ER report may take between 3-12 months. Once the review is completed, project contacts will receive an Environmental Review Clearance letter from OHFA that must be signed and returned, acknowledging any mitigations that must be completed before, during, or after construction. The project will then be required to provide evidence of mitigations in order to proceed with construction and/or close out the project.

Environmental Review Record for Public Comment

OHFA projects with funding sources (e.g. HOME) that require public comment on the Environmental Review are available on the public forums or public hearings for the duration of the comment period.