Featured Property: Hough Heritage

  • Hough Heritage

Hough Heritage is a 60-unit senior rental development in the Hough neighborhood of Cleveland. Hough Heritage is a catalyst in the ongoing revitalization efforts of the culturally-rich Hough neighborhood. The project was part of a $165 million neighborhood plan designed to offer quality housing and retail opportunities for persons of all incomes. Consequently, the City of Cleveland selected it as their number one priority development for the 2015 tax credit round.

The project provides a critically important housing option for many seniors who want to remain in the neighborhood but are no longer able to maintain their existing homes. Hough Heritage provides a place for these residents to remain in the neighborhood and age-in-place through the incorporation of Universal Design elements and seven fully-accessible units.

The building also includes community and media rooms, a fitness center, on-site laundry facilities, outdoor community areas with raised planter beds for gardening, grills, a gazebo and on-site social services.