OHFA 2022 Third Quarter Agency at a Glance

OHFA UPDATE - PAGE 8 - 2022 THIRD QUARTER OHFA AUDITS The Compliance team continues to work on the last of our 2022 inspections. We encourage our partners to be diligent in working on their files and the physical aspects of their projects as we are seeing substantial number of issues that require owner/management agents’ attention. These issues include: trash on the property, soil grading issues, overgrown vegetation including trees/bushes needing trimmed, and other exterior deficiencies. We also have seen a larger amount of interior issues with flooring and walls due to wear and tear. A quick reminder to our partners who are uploading files for file audits, do not upload personal identification information such as photo ID’s, birth certificates and/or Social Security cards. We do not review these documents. ANNUAL OWNER REPORTING We are wrapping up the last of our 2021 Annual Owner Reporting (AOR) corrections with owners/management agents. We appreciate your continued diligence in getting findings corrected and sent in to our team. NEW POLICIES ARE COMING! We are currently working on a new rent increase policy and a fee policy. We will share the first draft with our partners at the next OHFA Compliance Advisory Committee Meeting. CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS There was a change to the Ohio Fire Code (OFC) which requires residential housing to contain carbon monoxide detectors. While changes to the OFC usually affect new buildings, this changes to the Code applies to both new and existing buildings. Effective immediately, OHFA auditors will ensure projects are complying with this code during physical inspections. • CO detectors are required in apartment buildings with four or more units that are served by or contains a fuel burning appliance or fuel burning fireplace. • CO detectors can be battery powered in existing buildings. • Dual smoke/CO alarms are permitted. • CO detectors must be placed on the same level any combustion device (furnace, water heater) or outside each bedroom. • If there is an attached garage, a CO detector is required on the same level as the garage entrance. Please refer to the code for reference. For a full analysis of all CO related OFC provisions, please see OFC §§ 915 and 1103.9, and review the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of State Fire Marshal’s (SFM) Technical Bulletin 18-001 “Carbon Monoxide Detectors in New and Existing Buildings” (TB 18-001). DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE OHFA HELP DESK If you have any questions about compliance policies/issues, Devco or audits please direct inquires to the Compliance, DevCo & OHFA Inspection Help Desk . Thank you for your continued partnership and have a wonderful autumn season! OFFICE OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING COMLIANCE DIVISION UPDATE ATHENA LUNSFORD COMPLIANCE OPERATIONS MANAGER