OHFA 2022 Third Quarter Agency at a Glance
OHFA UPDATE - PAGE 7 - 2022 THIRD QUARTER QAP, POLICIES, AND PLANNING The final draft of the QAP Technical Amendment has been posted to the OHFA website. Work will soon begin on reviewing the Design and Architectural Standards, as well as planning for the full QAP rewrite that will go into effect in 2024. Look for more information on engagement sessions to collect suggestions and feedback soon. 2022 BOND GAP FINANCING ROUND OHFA received 63 applications for projects seeking 4% credits with Bond Gap Financing (BGF) this year, which is up 150% from last year. These are 4% LIHTC projects with Agency gap financing resources such as Ohio Housing Trust Fund, federal Housing Trust Fund, HOME, and, new for this year, HOME-ARP and CDBG-DR. The awards will be announced at the end of October. 2022 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT GAP FINANCING ROUND OHFA received a total of 11 Intents to Apply (ITAs) in its Housing Development Gap Financing (HDGF) program. This is a small, non-LIHTC program which provides gap financing only to projects that are 25 units or smaller. Of the 11 ITAs, five are moving forward to a Full Application. SUPPORTIVE SERVICES FOR AGING POPULATIONS ROUNDTABLE On August 29th, OHFA hosted a policy roundtable with the Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging to discuss service plans for senior developments. There were 22 participants in attendance representing the Area Agencies on Aging community and developers who primarily focus on senior housing development. The discussion and feedback from the session was very positive, and created new opportunities for collaboration for the participants. STAFFING UPDATE The Office of Multifamily Housing would like to welcome two new staff to the team this quarter. Kevin Neisch joined our 4% underwriting team as an HGA2 recently, and Joe Ryan has joined the team as our new Multifamily Lending Program Manager. OFFICE OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT DIVISION UPDATE DAVID FOUST DIRECTOR OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING