OHFA 2023 First Quarter Agency at a Glance
OHFA UPDATE - PAGE 4 - 2023 FIRST QUARTER OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICS UPDATE DEVIN KEITHLY SENIOR RESEARCH AND DATA ANALYST The start of the new year has been a busy time in the Office of Research and Analytics. We have continued to make progress on a number of projects over the quarter. The development of the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 OHFA Annual Plan is well underway. We have been holding internal discussions to gather ideas for strategic initiatives and talk through potential challenges to the housing industry over the next few years. In February, monthly meetings of the Annual Plan Committee began, and in March, we completed the first draft of the Annual Plan. As part of the annual planning process, our team analyzes data from a wide variety of sources to evaluate the current housing landscape and inform OHFA’s strategic priorities. The data and information collected will be used to update the Ohio Housing Needs Assessment . This will be the first update of the Housing Needs Assessment since the pandemic. Our office has also been working on updating our Legislative One-Pagers and District Maps . These reports and interactive maps are published every two years to coincide with the legislative cycle and provide district- level information on OHFA’s impact, profiles of the typical OHFA homebuyer and low-income renter, and local housing needs across the state.