OHFA 2023 First Quarter Agency at a Glance

OHFA UPDATE - PAGE 3 - 2023 FIRST QUARTER OFFICE OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING: DEVELOPMENT DIVISION UPDATE DAVID FOUST DIRECTOR OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING MULTIFAMILY OFFICE REORGANIZATION As the volume of projects submitted to OHFA has increased over the years, we have made changes to our staff structure within the Office of Multifamily Housing to help balance workloads and improve efficiency. QAP, GUIDELINES, AND PLANNING OHFA staff are planning for draft BGF guidelines to be available sometime in May. The HDGF guidelines are posted and planning is underway for the full QAP rewrite that will go into effect in 2024. The next 2024 QAP stakeholder roundtable will be on May 24, 2023 from 1-2:30 p.m. (via Teams). If you would like to receive a Teams invitation for any of the aforementioned roundtables, email qap@ohiohome.org . As always, you can also email comments or suggestions for the QAP to qap@ohiohome.org . 2023 COMPETITIVE 9% ROUND Last month, 69 9% proposals were submitted and they are currently under review by our 9% team. Look for the 9% awards to be announced in mid-May. Sam Makoski will shift from Planning and Policy Program manager to 9% Housing Tax Credit Section chief . The 9% underwriting team will also be taking on the Housing Development Gap Financing program (HDGF). The process of developing the Qualification Allocation Plan (QAP), HDGF, and Housing Development Loan (HDL) guidelines will reside with Sam and her team. Taylor Koch’s role will shift from the Housing Tax Credit Section chief to the 4% Housing Tax Credit Section chief . The 4% underwriting team will continue to work with Taylor on the 4%-only and 4% Bond Gap Financing (BGF) programs. The process of developing BGF guidelines and more robust 4%-only guidelines will reside with Taylor and his team.