OHFA 2021 Fourth Quarter Agency at a Glance
OHFA UPDATE - PAGE 2 - 2022 FIRST QUARTER SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING PRESERVATION TOM WALKER HOUSING PRESERVATION DEVELOPMENT MANAGER On April 13 th , OHFA launched the Save the Dream Ohio (Homeowner Assistance Fund, HAF) program, officially transitioning out of the pilot phase. Currently, we have 143 servicers enrolled in the program, and 28 Community Action Agencies assisting with the Utility Assistance Plus component of the program. The Mortgage Payment Assistance has 1,641 enrollments and has disbursed $4,189,758. The Rescue Payment Assistance has 1,374 enrollments and disbursed $8,944,750. As you can see, we are experiencing robust interest in these programs. In addition, the Utility Assistance Plus (UAP) has 1,817 enrollment and has disbursed $4,749,113 through various Community Action Agencies (CAA) across the state. In March, we saw an increase in call volume and email inquiries in the Preservation Call Center. The Center received 3,544 phone calls and more than 775 emails. Inquiries about the Save the Dream Ohio program accounted for 90% of the calls and 71% of the emails. For more information on Save the Dream Ohio visit: https://savethedream.ohiohome.org/ . Help for Homeowners SAVE THE DREAM OHIO savethedream.ohiohome.org 888.404.4674 OFFICE OF SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING